Photo/Pexels1. "Thank you."谢谢您No matter how often新洲24小时##顶管 youre saying this, she could probably stand to hear a few more. She carried you, and grew you in he新洲24小时##顶管r belly for nine months — all while resisting alcohol and caffeine. Thats a sacrifice that warrants 新洲24小时##顶管endless thank-yous, friends.。
无论你说多少次感谢,母亲也愿意听她怀着你的时候长达9个月的时间都不能沾酒精和咖啡因这一牺牲就足以让你说无数声感谢2. "Youre my he新洲24小时##顶管ro."您是我的英雄Because she is, right? I mean, the main reason youre as awesome as you are is because of h新洲24小时##顶管er, so shes earned the title.。
因为母亲就是英雄你的出色都是因为她,所以她配得上这一称号3. "Remember when I was little and.... ?"记新洲24小时##顶管得我小时候发生的事吗?Reminisce about a moment when you struggled with something and your mom came to the rescu新洲24小时##顶管e. Itll be a nice way to remind her how youve always depended on her, and in some ways, probably alw新洲24小时##顶管ays will.。
回忆一下母亲曾经帮你解决过的困难这将让她想起过去你是多么依赖她,而且以后在某些方面很可能也会一直依赖新洲24小时##顶管她4. "I need your advice."我需要您的建议It doesnt matter how old you are — your mom will never tire of givin新洲24小时##顶管g you her advice. And the more self-sufficient you become, the more shell appreciate that you came t新洲24小时##顶管o her at all. Make her feel needed.。
无论你多大,你的母亲永远不会厌倦给你建议你越自立,你向她寻求建议就越让她感到高兴让她感觉自己被需要5. "Im proud of新洲24小时##顶管 you."我为您感到骄傲This is not a statement that should only go from parents to kids. It should go both way新洲24小时##顶管s! We never stop evolving as humans, so your mom would love to hear that youve noticed the hard work新洲24小时##顶管 shes put in on a project, and that you think she did a kick-ass job.。
Say this right before新洲24小时##顶管 you treat her to a spa day or any kind of bonding activity. Because she does deserve the best.
在你带母亲新洲24小时##顶管新洲24小时##顶管c compliments. We live in a society that only appreciates beauty of a certain age, which is bonkers 新洲24小时##顶管because every woman alive — and that includes your mom — is beautiful in their own way, and should b新洲24小时##顶管e reminded of that on the reg.。
你应该具体地称赞母亲的美貌我们生活的这个社会只欣赏特定年龄的美,这是愚蠢的,因为每个女人,包括你的母亲,都各有各的美,应该有人提醒她们这一新洲24小时##顶管点8. "I love you."我爱您It doesnt matter if you say it every day, or even if you just said it two second新洲24小时##顶管s ago. Say it again. Because she will never get sick of hearing it.。
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